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September 2024

New releases

Procedure for Cutting and Reconnection of a Medium Voltage Power feeder

During maintenance work on medium-voltage electrical networks, it is common to cut and reconnect electrical cables. This task may be necessary due to the replacement of a deteriorated cable section, the repair of an existing line or the creation of a new branch. It is therefore crucial to correctly identify the feeder to be cut, as well as its corresponding phases.


Phase identification during maintenance

Before cutting an electrical cable, it is essential to determine without any doubt which is the right feeder and phases involved. Once the cut has been made, the damaged section of cable can be replaced or the new branch can be made. At the end of the work, it is necessary to join the two ends of the cable, connecting the corresponding phases: F1 to F1, F2 to F2 and F3 to F3. Performing this operation correctly is vital, as an error in the phase connection can cause a short-circuit, compromising the safety of the network, the integrity of people, economic costs and the quality of the electricity supply.


Merytronic PI-3: De-energized  3-phase identifier




The Merytronic PI-3 is an innovative device designed to identify the 3 phases in de-energised cables. This tool facilitates the error-free connection of sectioned cables, allowing phase-to-phase bonding to be carried out efficiently.

The device operates by emitting signals from a transmitter, either through clamps or a direct connection. The receiver has several sensors that adapt to different situations and offers a clear display on its screen, showing the phase precisely identified.



Adaptability to different types of electrical cables

The Merytronic PI-3 stands out due to its versatility, as it can identify both single-pole and multipole cables without voltage. In addition, it comes with accessories such as induction clamps or crocodile connectors for signal induction, and different sensors for precise phase identification, such as spikes, loops or U-shaped sensors.




Phase identification in remote Secondary Substations

When feeders with Secondary Substations several kilometres apart must be connected, it is possible to carry out this phase connection operation using two transmitters (TX), one at each Secondary Substation. With a single receiver (RX), the phases at both ends of the cable can be identified without moving from the trench, speeding up the manipulation and operation time. The use of two transmitters with different encodings optimises the process, allowing efficient and accurate reconnection of the phases of the power feeder.




The Merytronic PI-3 is the perfect tool to simplify and secure the procedure of cutting and reconnecting medium-voltage power lines!




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